Name: Christine Sorensen
Business Name: Christine’s Things

What is it that you create—list everything!
funky furniture, pottery, & all kinds of super, wonderful treasures
How long have you been creating?
as long as I can remember…seriously

Where did you grow up? Did that influence your creativity?
Stockton, CA. I tried to stay in my room and paint as much as possible to avoid being mugged or shot at in Stockton.
Where do you currently live? Does it influence your creativity?
Pleasant Grove, UT. It’s lovely here.
What is the weirdest thing you ever created?
My children
What is the one thing you are most proud of creating?
My children

Do you have an education or previous job experience that influenced your creativity?
I am an art teacher. It’s hardly a job, though.
What has been your best vacation?
Any without my children… even a shower by myself is a vacation.

Name your 5 favorite things about Utah:
my sisters live here
the mountains
the sun
my sisters live here
my sisters live here
photo from boutique: click on image to enlarge
I love my sisters too!! Good to meet you and great products.
That garbage can is so darling!! I would feel bad putting anything dirty in it. :)
I got a cute ceramic jar from you when Art Market was still outside in a backyard. I still think it is so cute! Looking forward to meeting you!
oh such lovely creations =) I agree, I wouldnt wanna put dirty in it, coz its just so CUTE!
Where will you be next? I missed this one.
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