Name: Lori Van Wagoner

What is it that you create - list everything!
I mainly sew, but I love creating in general; scrapbooking, knitting, embroidery, & making jewelry. I will be bringing market bags, messenger bags, and totes to the boutique.
Where did you grow up? Did that influence your creativity?
I moved around when I was young, but the majority of my childhood was spent in St. Anthony, Idaho. It is such a cool little town right on the Snake River and close to everything like the Teton Mountain Range, large Sand Dunes, and Yellowstone. Because it is such a little town, there was not a large variety of shopping. My friends and I often raided my mom's scrap drawer to make our own skirts, t-shirts, and altered our jeans. My mother made all of my prom dresses, so I learned from her.
Where do you currently live? Does it influence your creativity?
I live in a small apartment in Holladay. Living in a small space on a tight budget has definitely forced "creative" solutions to our home decor. My husband is also an artist, and together we've made a cozy little home out of recycled furniture and thrift store finds.

What is the weirdest thing you ever created?
Because I am willing to try my hand at any craft, I've turned out some really random stuff. I once made a jewelry box out of Popsicle sticks and put a photo of Bea Arther (yes... from the Golden Girls) on the top.
What is the one thing you are most proud of creating?
My son... but, I do love conquering a hard pattern. I love sewing items that I actually use. Oh... and in 1998, my roommates and I made some pretty killer Spice Girls costumes.
Do you have an education or previous job experience that influenced your creativity?
When I was in college at Ricks (currently BYU-Idaho), I worked at a local mill end fabric store called Piece Goods. It was such an awesome job. I learned all about different types of fabrics and craft supplies. My boss was really good to let me make ALL of the demos, too. While working there I developed a love for vintage trims and rickrack. I collected so many supplies when I worked there and I am still using them.
What has been your best vacation?
About 10 years ago, I had the opportunity to go to Italy with my mom, aunt Sally, and cousin, Lauren. We were able to visit all a lot of the places my grandfather served while he was stationed there in WWII. We were even able to meet people he had known while there. We ate delicious gelato and had a fantastic time.

Name your 5 favorite things about Utah:
Four distinct seasons
My family is close
Zion National Park
Numerous fabric and quilt shops
Fantastic county library system
About 10 years ago, I had the opportunity to go to Italy with my mom, aunt Sally, and cousin, Lauren. We were able to visit all a lot of the places my grandfather served while he was stationed there in WWII. We were even able to meet people he had known while there. We ate delicious gelato and had a fantastic time.

Name your 5 favorite things about Utah:
Four distinct seasons
My family is close
Zion National Park
Numerous fabric and quilt shops
Fantastic county library system
Hi Lori. I'm a friend of Hillary's. I am so glad that you are going to still be in the boutique. I just love your stuff. I hope to get Hillary to come out there with me.
Loving your bags. Can't wait to see more!!
I'm so excited to see these bags!
And the jewlery box is cracking me up!
I loved reading your answers. I like getting to know you better. Working at the fabric shop must have been fun! I love your bags!
You are awesome!
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