What is it that you create?
Jewelry, dabble in pottery, and from time to time balance in our home
How long have you been creating?
As a kid really, didn’t we make mud cakes and so forth…6 years with jewelry though
Where did you grow up? Did that influence your creativity?
Las Vegas, Illinois, and Virginia. Yes! We moved every three years, so I really like change, creating one of a kind pieces 98% of the time carries my interest. Virginia is where I found my connection to nature and am inspired by love for the natural cycles we experience all around us.
Where do you currently live? Does it influence your creativity?
Sandy Utah. Living by amazing mountains to play on within a few minutes of time is very influential. I don’t know how many times I put together gemstones of whites, browns, grays with sky blues in dedication to the Wasatch.

What is the weirdest thing you ever created?
What is the one thing you are most proud of creating?
Two Halloween costumes for my oldest daughter. La La the teletubby (that might go in the weird category) and Snow White's dress

Name your 5 favorite things about Utah!
Hot Springs
No zoning in school systems!!
Beautiful jewelry. Can't wait to see more at the boutique!
Lisa, those are beautiful pieces! I love them!
I do love that fist piece.
Your jewelry looks amazing. I look forward to seeing it at the boutique in May!
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