Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Vendor Spotlight

Name: Audre Mathis, 
Monica Rockwood-Parrish, 
Crystal Allen
Business Name: Ephemera

What is it that you create—list everything!
Paper flowers, bath salts, vintage button rings (and some not vintage, just fun), headbands, decorated light switch covers, teacup candles, and beautiful watercolor sketches by Nica.

How long have you been creating?
Since high school.

Where did you grow up? Did that influence your creativity?
Monica and Crystal grew up here, Audre in Wyoming. Not a ton of influence. Monica’s father is in advertising so she has always been around creative people.
click on images to enlarge

Where do you currently live? Does it influence your creativity?
We all live in SLC. We are mostly influenced by each other.

What is the weirdest thing you ever created?
Audre once made a stool out of cardboard using no glue or staples or anything. Just weaving. It was for a 3D sculpture class in college.

What is the one thing you are most proud of creating?
Crystal and Monica would probably both say their sons. Crystal has a 5 year old, Monica has a 9 month old.
click on image to enlarge

Do you have an education or previous job experience that influenced your creativity?
Monica and Audre both went to Art school in Denver at Rocky Mountain College of Art & Design. Audre majored in Graphic Design, Monica in sculpture. Audre works at Making Memories as a product designer designing paper and ribbons and stickers and all sorts of scrapbooking products. Monica also worked at a scrapboooking company previously but is now the marketing coordinator at Planned Parenthood. Crystal has enjoyed crafting forever, but has no background, just good taste!

What has been your best vacation?
Audre’s was a week backpacking in Alaska.

Name your 5 favorite things about Utah!
The Mountains
The National Parks
The proximity to so many great places
The Downtown Library
The cleanliness and beauty of the city and the nice people.


Marie {Make and Takes} said...

Love the watercolor sketch! Beautiful.

Neko Carrillo said...

Love your work, can't wait to see you this weekend!